Leading A Business? Get Organized In These 16 Key Areas
A successful executive must be able to simultaneously oversee and manage multiple areas of the company. It can be challenging to ensure that all departments are running smoothly and receive the focus they need, especially since some areas require more time and attention than others. However, it’s important to get organized and optimize your processes as a leader so you can meet this challenge head-on.
To help you, we asked a panel of Forbes Coaches Council members to identify the areas of business they feel executives tend to overlook. Read on to learn which areas of business they believe executives should focus more on, and why.
As a coach who specializes in designing programs that help organizations build capability, I’ve seen several instances in which coaching has helped organizations through some of their toughest strategic challenges. Here are some specific examples:
7. Strategic Work Time
Most executives are scheduled from sunup to sundown. They move from meeting to meeting every day. I suggest executives block time in their calendar each week to work on the non-urgent but important items (developing and reviewing strategy, thinking about new products, restructuring the team). Blocked time can be moved but can’t be cancelled. This is motivating and good for business.
See all 16 key areas at Forbes.com.